
What I’ve Been Up To

Anybody out there wondering what I do with my time these days?  If you are reading this, maybe there is!

I retired permanently (sort of)  a year ago from my job as a professor at San Diego City College, and retired in a maybe /maybe not way from writing historical fiction, at least for a while.  I loved both my professions so much that I always thought of myself as “getting” to do them, rather than “having” to, but enough is enough.   I looked at both and decided I couldn’t see how either was leading me on a path that was invigorating and exciting.  I wasn’t seeing how I could continue to grow, so I decided to stop.

I say “sort of retired” from teaching, for I can come back and teach a couple of classes a year if I want, and I do.  I loved teaching, but chronic problems with my voice make speaking for a long time difficult.  One class good, five classes impossible even with a mike in a small room.

As for the writing, I will always love to write, but it has been wonderful to tell myself I don’t have to.  I have written four published novels and a fifth in draft, plus one non-fiction book.  I have made my contribution, and though I might have more in me, this will be enough if it turns out I don’t want to “go there” again.  You never know, though.  I get a dozen ideas a week, and there are many other genres to try.

What I am doing now that IS fun and invigorating is lecturing on cruises.  I have been crazy busy with this, cruising mostly with Silversea, but with some upcoming work for Oceania and Regent.  I love speaking in a beautiful, state of the art auditorium, with an audience of people happy to hear what I have to say that will enrich their visits to the ports.  I’ve been in South America, Asia, the Baltic, Transatlantic, Canada, and the Mediterranean, with lots more ahead if the fates allow.

Here I am, lecturing on  a Baltic Cruise.  Whatever your plans for the summer are, I wish you Bon Voyage!




Beach salon


The first Beach House Writing Salon that my friend and fellow author Caitlin Rother organized last fall was such a success–including one writer who got a publishing deal with one of the author faculty, who is an indie publisher–that she is offering another, with four much published writers as speakers and consultants to the participants, including me!  It is an all-day affair at a beachfront house on Crown Point, and the number of attendees is limited to allow time for all sorts of casual conversation with the speakers and fellow writers.

In addition to writing workshops and a panel discussion, you will have opportunities for one-on-one critiques, and of course free time to wiggle your toes in the sand. It all ends with a cocktail party, live music and book signing, and, we hope, great invigoration to start or continue that book you’ve got in YOU!

If you sign up by March 15, you can still qualify for the early bird price of $165, and if you also sign up for a one-on-one critique, you can also get a free book. Please contact Caitlin Rother directly at crother@flash.net if you have any questions or want to reserve a seat. The Beach House Writing Salon website can be found at http://beachhousewritingsalon.blogspot.com, but here are the key details:

Date:  Saturday, April 18, 2015

Location:  3712 Riviera, San Diego (Crown Point)

Time: : 9am-5pm, cocktail party until 7pm (Attendees will  have an hour for lunch on their own, on the beach if they choose)


Happy Holidays!

Today marks a transition for me.  It is my what I have been calling my Medicare birthday (65), which means I am eligible under any definition of “senior” for discounts!  Having been in college at the time the expression “Don’t trust anyone over thirty,” was coined, it is amazing to have reached more than twice that age and believe myself still to be, among other things, quite trustworthy.  I retired last May and my reinvention of myself is going well.  I am happy and healthy, although I have lived longer than either of my parents did, and it is sobering to realize how much life they too must have felt still lay in front of them.  I take nothing for granted and am grateful every day.  Though I can’t ask for more from life, I will happy to take as many more experiences and as much more time as it has to offer.

A lot of my reinvention these days is tied up with my role as an Enrichment Lecturer on Silversea Cruises, which I am able to do a lot more of now that I am not constrained by the school year.   Here I am celebrating New Year’s Eve last year, in Acapulco Bay, to the most extravagant fireworks I have ever seen.  This year Dan and I will be in Phuket, Thailand on Christmas Day and at sea celebrating the birth of 2015, following two days in Yangon, Myanmar (the former Rangoon, Burma)

I wish you all copious blessings, the courage to face whatever won’t go so well in 2015, and the gratitude to make the most of everything this year offers.



Grateful to Be Home!

Back from my last out-of-town speaking gig, at least for a while. Last week I had a great time in Cleveland at the Mandel Jewish Community Center. It snowed, which was a treat for this Southern California native! I was in Miami Beach the following Wednesday at a wonderful luncheon at the Miami Beach Jewish Community Center. Eighty attendees, great audience, wonderful Spanish-themed meal–plus a great tour of Miami Beach afterwards with friends. I just got back this Wednesday, and on Thursday I lectured for two hours at UCSD Extension’s Osher Institute on The Convivencia and Ferdinand and Isabella, then spoke in the evening to a great book discussion group at Congregation Beth Israel. Came home hoarse and exhausted, and very glad I “retired” because my voice can’t handle this much strain on a weekly basis. I had to add the quotation marks because retirement has recently been as much work as working ever was. I am off lecturing in Southeast Asia for Silversea Cruises over the holidays, then in late January, I am headed for a cruise gig in South America and the Amazon. But now a lull, and a chance to appreciate all these wonderful opportunities. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!



Fallow Fields




Sometimes you just need to rest.  In 2004, I started writing UNTIL OUR LAST BREATH, and almost without taking my fingers from the keys began my first novel, THE FOUR SEASONS.  On the heels of that I wrote PENELOPE’S DAUGHTER, followed by THE MAPMAKER’S DAUGHTER, and a novel in draft, THE INTUITIVE.  My most recent publication, THE MAPMAKER’S DAUGHTER, came out in early 2014, ten years after I first decided to give this writing for adult audiences a try.  Publishing five book in ten years is a pretty rapid pace, but actually, since I finished THE MAPMAKER’S DAUGHTER almost three years ago, my pace was five books in seven years, with all five appearing in print between May 2008 and April 2014, a six-year period.

I guess you could say I was on a roll.  Life intervened when my beloved partner Jim died in April 2012,  only a few months after a diagnosis of terminal cancer.  I stopped writing altogether because i didn’t want to be living with my made-up characters when I had the last few months with the central character in my real life. And he was indeed, quite a character!  Then, after Jim died, I decided to just let my life float, not trying to focus on anything or accomplish anything in particular.  I had another important job to do–reinventing myself and making a new life.  I couldn’t do that buried in another world.  (I posted a lot about this period, so if you missed that you can scroll back in this diary to read about my world during his final illness and after his death). Then, once I was feeling  restored to life, I discovered I just didn’t want to go to that difficult place where novelists live when at work.  Reinvention just hadn’t pointed in that direction.

It’s funny how when I say I am not writing now, people generally respond with something resembling the hope, or assumption, that it is temporary.  I’ll get it back, they seem to be saying, as if that’s the correct trajectory for my life.  I don’t ever recall anyone saying the opposite when I was writing, patting me on the arm and telling me that I’ll get my non-writing life back on track eventually.  I guess we are so oriented toward concrete outcomes that we can’t find much to praise in anything else.  Even a fallow field implies that its real purpose is yet to come.

One of the key concepts in Daoism is wu wei, often translated as “effortlessness.”  This is not to be confused with the couch potato approach to life, but going with what doesn’t have to be forced.  The field with the weeds and butterflies is closer to wu wei, although any analogy to human life falls a little short.  When the time is right to work on a novel, that feels like wu wei too. But it’s not feeling like that time now.

Sometimes I am on author panels where people say they just don’t know what they would do if they couldn’t write, and I feel like looking down the table and saying, “Really?”  My life is very full without a work in progress.  In some ways it is fuller. There is nothing like the thrill of seeing a book come to life, but there’s also nothing like the best drive you’ve ever made down a fairway, or an awesome put away shot in tennis, or a glorious morning walking in the park, or time to read or visit with friends.  Sometimes the effortless path, the truly sustainable one, has no end product. Sometimes it does.  Like writing a novel, you just have to keep going and see what happens next.



Breathe, Smile, Repeat

I knew I had been remiss at updating my diary here, but I was shocked to see how long it has been since I last posted!  Apparently I didn’t even post on the launch day for my fourth novel, THE MAPMAKER’S DAUGHTER. Can I even call it my new novel since it it now nearly six months old?


Let me list a few reasons (not excuses–I am beyond thinking I need those):


I am not writing anything at the moment, and in that situation, I think less often about the kinds of things I might write about.


I have been utterly swamped with appearances in connection with THE MAPMAKER’S DAUGHTER.  In June alone I had around thirty–averaging one a day, which means some days I had more than one.  Not all were precisely on the book.  I also taught a four-part course for the local Jewish Community Center on the historical period in which the novel is set, the centuries of Convivencia, in which Jews, Christians and Muslims all lived together in Iberia.


I’ve been traveling a lot.  I was in New York and the San Francisco Bay area promoting the book early this summer,  and spent three weeks just a few weeks ago cruising the Baltic in connection with my utterly fabulous side gig, enrichment lecturing for Silversea Cruises.   here i am, lecturing on the Vikings somewhere in the Baltic Sea.



And the biggest one–I decided rather suddenly to retire at the end of the Spring 2014 semester.  I had been having worsening problems with projecting my voice over the last year or so, and it got to the point where even using a mike in a small classroom of 35 students, I was choking and hoarse and utterly exhausted at the end of every day.  It’s a chronic inflammation of the supporting structure around my vocal cords, and something I can best address through not trying to project my voice at all.


And one bonus reason–for those of you who followed me through my last months with my beloved husband Jim, you may be interested in how I am doing two and a half years later.  I have rebounded well.  I have a new man in my life who has given me some new directions for my energy, most notably golf, which I have taken up with a dedication that surprises me.  I am also playing in a tennis league for the first time this fall, and doing some more cruising.  Not ready to write yet, but I do love it, so I suspect something will eventually show up in my head with the kind of insistence the women of my books have shown in the past.


For now, breathe, smile, repeat….



Mothers–On and Off the Page

NOTE:  THE VENUE FOR THIS EVENT HAS CHANGED AND A SECOND VENUE HAS BEEN ADDED!   Please join Jennifer, Zoe Ghahremani and me at the GROSSMONT CENTER BARNES AND NOBLE  Sunday May 4, at 2PM.  A Padres game made parking too difficult at the library, hence the move.   Or, if it is more convenient, join us for a Repeat Performance  at the MIRA MESA BARNES AND NOBLE Friday at 7PM.   The format will remain the same.  Bring your mom and/or daughter to celebrate motherhood on and off the page!


Less Than One Week Away!

We’re down to the home stretch before the publication of THE MAPMAKER’S DAUGHTER!  To sweeten the wait for me was the news that another major reviewer, Kirkus, has given the book a thumbs up. That’s all four of the biggest early reviewers, and four positive reviews.  I won’t post the entire Kirkus review here because there are a lot of plot spoilers, but here’s the other content:

“Corona’s latest historical novel is a sprawling saga of Jewish identity and religious freedom in 15th-century Spain.”

“The richness of this life is a revelation.”

“A rich, exhaustively researched portrait of Spanish Jews at the birth of the Inquisition.”

If you are local to the San Diego or San Francisco Bay areas, I have a number of upcoming appearances, as well as one in Kingston New York in June.  Take a look at the calendar section on this website for details.  Thanks as always for your support!


Three Weeks to Go!

THE MAPMAKER’S DAUGHTER comes out three weeks from today.  In celebration, here’s another excerpt:

We are not the only traveler to Lisbon that summer.   Nearing the city we hear rumors of people dying of plague in cities to the north, and on the outskirts of Setúbal, we see columns of people leaving the city.  “Don’t go in,” they tell us.  A man points to the haze on the skyline behind the city.  “They’re burning corpses. The cemeteries can’t keep up with the dead.”

I toss that night on a straw mattress in the sweltering attic of an inn, whose windows are sealed tight to keep out the disease.  The rats scurrying across the roof sound as big as squirrels, and the droppings on the floor make my heart pound at the thought that they have a way of getting in.  The vision of their yellow teeth, beady eyes, and wormlike tails is so unnerving that I sleep the rest of the night in a chair with my feet curled up so they can’t run across my toes.

By the next nightfall we have found only a deserted farmhouse, where we devour a bottle of wine, part of a round of cheese, and dry sausages we find in the larder.  The next day we leave a few coins to reassure ourselves that the owners must be briefly away rather than lying dead somewhere of the plague.

East of the fishing villages at the mouth of the Tagus River, we see a family huddled by the side of the road. The woman is slumped in her husband’s arms, while next to them a small girl holds a crying baby.  The man’s shirt has been torn away, revealing horrible black swellings on his neck and back. His eyes are haunted and wracked with pain.  His wife turns to me, and I see a bloody froth escape from between her pale lips.

Our guards cry out in horror and send their horses at a gallop.  I call out after them to stop. How can we leave children there, with their parents dying?  My father’s expression is a mix of revulsion, fear, and grief.  He makes a cutting motion across his throat and gestures to me to follow as he gallops away behind the guards.

He is right, I know. Taking the children with us will not save them, and I can’t comfort them without dooming all of us.  Still, I see the little girl’s terrified eyes and hear the baby’s wails for hours.