
Do Overs

When I hear the term “do over,” I think of something that went badly the first time around and is in need of fixing. That’s not what I am thinking as we sail away from our last stop in the Canary Islands. Today I want a do over because it was so special it simply wasn’t enough. I am already burying my nose in cruise schedules, scheming about how I will get myself back to the Canaries sooner rather than later.

I heard about so many things I missed, but I wouldn’t have changed anything I did. Today I went on a three-hour hike through lava fields, into calderas, like the one in the distance here, and across landscapes that looked like frozen oceans of rock. Next time, I’d like to go into the town of Arrecife and see the Works of Cesar Manriques and get a glimpse of life on this tiny speck in the ocean. Yesterday I saw the great National Park of El Teide. Next time I’d like to poke around the colonial town of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. So, so much to do!

But before that, life is so full of experiences I have yet to enjoy. I’ll tuck these away for later, and just sail on. Next stop, Tangiers, and my guess is I will want a few of the lovely kind of “do overs” on that too!


“Sunrise, Tenerife”

Years ago, maybe in my 20s or 30s I saw a photograph entitled “Sunrise, Tenerife.” I have written before about how deep seated my wanderlust has been throughout my life, and the many years I had to rein it in while I tended to things like motherhood and career. This photograph fell into that period, but I remember thinking how beautiful the name “Tenerife” looked on the page, and how lovely it sounded when I said it aloud.

When I was given this cruise assignment, I was thrilled that a stop in Tenerife while in the Canary Islands was on the itinerary, and today was the day I photographed my own “Sunrise,Tenerife.” Sorry to report that mine is only of a cement wall where our ship is docked, but I’m here all the same.

This morning I went for an excursion to the National Park at Mt. Teide, an area of massive volcanic mountains and calderas, and I can report that the difference between it and a cement wall was extreme!

We rose from a rather tropical sea level, through dense forests of Canary pines, then up above the timberline, to the highest mountain in Spain. Magma dykes that have eroded more slowly than the lava around them have left weird forms jutting skyward, and countless lava flows and debris layers have created a dramatic landscape. And then there’s this perfect volcanic cone, patched with bits of snow, supervising the whole geologic show.

I will have to anticipate another chance to be here to witness what sunrise must look like in a landscape like this, but for now I will just say that eleven in the morning was pretty darn good too!



I can trace my lifelong wanderlust to a song. In 1962, when I was 12, the Duprees sang their version of “You Belong to Me.” I was way too young to appreciate the lover’s sentiments, but everything about me perked up at the places mentioned in the song.

See the pyramids along the Nile
Watch the sun rise on a tropic isle
Just remember, darling, all the while
You belong to me

See the marketplace in old Algiers
Send me photographs and souvenirs
But remember when a dream appears
You belong to me

I’ll be so alone without you
Maybe you’ll be lonesome too, and blue

Fly the ocean in a silver plane
Watch the jungle when its wet with rain
Just remember till youre home again
You belong to me

Of course I had to grow up first, and when my first idea for a career, becoming a “stewardess” (as they were known then) was emphatically kaboshed by my mother (along with becoming a tap dancer and a palm reader), I dutifully went off to college.

Other than a year on education abroad in Edinburgh in 1969-70, my travel dreams went entirely unfulfilled for several decades, but when I found myself single again with no minor children I began pursuing travel opportunities like crazy. In fact, for a couple of years, while I was still teaching full time I managed to be out of the country more than I was home, by juggling education abroad teaching opportunities, sabbaticals, and travel write offs doing research for my numerous school library books on modern nations.

I didn’t see it at the time, but everything from teaching humanities to writing books was preparing me for the life I have now.

Six year ago I got my first lecturer assignment on a cruise line, and I haven’t stopped since. Twelve-year-old Laurel is now more than half a century older, but still every bit as excited about being in new places and returning to old favorites. Now, as my tee shirt says, Home is where the anchor drops.”

Pyramids? Tropic isles? Old Algiers? Jungles? Oh yeah, sign me up! The girl with the transistor radio glued to her ear is still right here.


Amazon Afternoon

Gave my first lecture last night. One would think that 6:30 is a bad time for a lecture, but Seabourn makes it work beautifully by having bar service during the lecture. Come spend happy hour learning something! It’s a concept! Attendance was fantastic. I figure if 10 percent of the passengers are at my lectures, that’s pretty good, but las night my guess is it was over 15, so yay!

The subject was the Amazon , touching on the massiveness of the river (its volume is higher than the next 7 biggest rivers in the world combined), the ancient civilizations in the area (the real ones, not El Dorado) and contemporary issues like deforestation.

I really enjoy being on the Amazon. It’s earthy, and authentic in a way cruise destinations often destroy over time. We are a very minor thing happening today as people go about their business in Santarem. I like it that way. It’s not all about me and my dollars. In fact, most people scarcely pay us any mind. They have better, or at least more pressing, things to do. I have left them to it, and am now ensconced on the ship, ready for a relaxing afternoon, falling asleep over my audiobook by the pool.


Easing in

Regardless of how much I have streamlined the process of setting up my little abode on a cruise ship, it always takes a day or two to feel in the groove. Where in the world did I put A, did I forget B, what time is C, on what deck is D? Then, little by little everything falls into place. I have my routine. I know where I am going. I have a sense for the rhythms of the day.

Today is for easing in. We are anchored off Parintins, Brazil, on the Amazon. Outside my window, the muddy water flows past, carrying the occasional tree limb, or floating island of foliage, down towards the ocean. Even at anchor, the ship has a wake, due to the relentless current. The sky goes from blue and sunny to dark gray and pouring down rain in minutes, and as I scan the horizon (which is in this case the far bank of the Amazon),I can see pretty much every kind of tropical weather happening somewhere.

Since I have been to Parintins twice before ( and have the beaded jewelry an tee shirt to prove it!), I am skipping taking the local ferry in to shore ( that’s what is pictured in the photo here). Jane has claimed her chaise lounge near the pool and back here in the room, if my droopy eyelids are any indication, we will both soon be doing the thing that most clearly shows that we have eased into a lower gear—taking a nap!

Sent from my iPad


My Year of Living Travelly

When I was nineteen , I set off on what would prove to be the biggest travel adventure of the next half-century of my life, when I flew off to Scotland for a junior year abroad at the University of Edinburgh.

I am posting this as I sit at the gate at the San Diego airport, waiting to depart on the biggest travel adventure since then. I am calling it My Year of Living Travelly. I have posted before about the planning that has gone into setting up the opportunity to use my Silversea and Seabourn opportunities to patch together a continuous year of travel, and it looks as if I have managed to set it in motion. So far, so good at least! It is all planned, and now it is up to the cooperation of bigger powers than me.

First up, I am taking a red-eye with my friend Jane, to the east coast, from which we will fly to Manaus, Brazil, 900 miles up the Amazon, and halfway across the continent. Our cruise on Seabourn Quest will take us down the Amazon (my third time!) and across the Atlantic to Cape Verde, which has been on my bucket list since I first heard Cesaria Evora’s smoke-and-honey voice. Then on to a couple of stops in the Canary Islands, and a day in Tangiers before the cruise ends in Monte Carlo.

I will be staying in the Med through mid-June, then set off for a few weeks in the Baltic before heading home in July.

And that’s just the start. I will be cruising in Alaska later this summer, then heading to Montreal for a few fall foliage cruises before a breather in San Diego, after which I fly to Singapore to begin about five months exploration on land and sea of Southeast Asia.

I will spell it out: L-U-C-K-Y and B-L-E-S-S-E-D !!!!

I will be posting diary entries and photos regularly, and it would be nice to know you are checking in from time to time. If you want to know where I am, or where I am headed at any given time, every cruise is listed in the calendar here on my website.

Thank you all for caring and supporting me. Arrivederci!


Pedal off the Metal

Put the pedal to the metal—gotta speed up, hurry, hurry!  The last few weeks, actually months, have been that way for me as I get ready to leave for a series of cruises. So much to do! So many new lectures to prepare. So much to think about to be ready to be gone for several months.   Today, however,  I got that lovely, familiar sense of easing up on the gas and Feeling the beginning of a coast.

I leave Friday night for Manaus Brazil, in far better shape than I could have predicted in terms of lectures prepared and things ready for an absence at home, and in far worse shape than ever, physically. I try to lead a life balanced in body, brain, and spirit, but lately I haven’t accomplished that. It was just too easy to keep working.

Funny how I think of cruising as an escape from the normal and typical, but now I very much want that normalcy back, in the form of more attention to that healthy balance in my life. I’m glad I  kept that pedal to the metal until now,  but it’s time to slow down and let the rest of me catch up.


Feeling Atomic



You know the expression about juggling a lot of balls. It’s stale, to be sure, but so apt much of the time in our busy lives. For me, the better analogy right now is being the nucleus of an atom with gazillions of electrons whooshing around mercilessly.

I do this to myself willingly because I want a life that is not just busy and productive but also varied and growth-oriented. To this end I am pursuing the next year as the golden opportunity for travel that my cruise lecturing permits. More about that soon in another post, but for right now what I am juggling is a bit nerve-fraying even for a veteran multi-tasker like me.

I am in the middle—actually way past the midpoint—in preparing around two dozen (!) new lectures and revising others for this year and well into 2019. I am also renting out my condo and dealing with everything necessary for an absence of more than  a few weeks. When I leave on March 15, I won’t be back for over three months, so just holding mail, for example, isn’t an option. It’s like what you have to do to plan a vacation, but squared. No, maybe cubed.

Everything has to be done now, now, now.

I find myself withdrawing, in a liminal zone where part of me has already left mentally, and the rest just doesn’t have the energy for anything or anyone not essential to getting the job done. But I know what is coming:that blessed sigh of relief when I cross the line, and whatever is done is done and what isn’t just has to wait. I will roll my luggage to the airline counter and say, “let the adventure begin!”


Woman Power

As always, I find myself drawn to stories of women who should be more honored in history than they are. I just finished preparing a lecture for later in the year on the convict women sent by the British government  to Australia, and I am feeling more than my usual  pride in my gender right now.  These girls and women, some as young as  twelve,  were transported  after first convictions, in many cases, and almost always for petty crimes, whereas the men who were sent were generally repeat offenders of far more serious crimes. This only makes sense when you know the whole troubling story.

The men the British authorities  most wanted to get rid of were the hardened criminals.  Makes sense.  The convicted girls  and women were another matter, since they were still what any penal formula might consider salvageable.  Why not just let them serve their time and get on with their lives?  It’s partly because at the time even petty crimes were deemed worthy of capital punishment, and it was hard to fathom how that much legalized government killing would have squared with the British people’s sense of their basic decency.  So these girls and women needed to be sentenced to death, then have the sentences commuted to transportation either for seven years or life, depending on the case.  If they died of disease or neglect, at least no one had to witness them dangling at the end of a rope.

Not a single woman was sent for prostitution for the simple reason that prostitution was not a crime.  Rather, they were sent for stealing a silver spoon, or a lace collar, because the few pennies to be gotten from pawning these were often all that stood between themselves (and in some cases their children) and starvation. And yet, the stories that are focused on are of the “floating brothels” they sailed on, or the criminal acts of some women who formed “flash mobs” in the colony as a means of rebellion. These first arrivals to Australia were bad women. Bad. Bad. All of them. Or so it would seem…

It appears that the one redeeming characteristic they possessed, in the eyes of British officials, was their wombs.  Convenient, it was, to send young pickpockets and thieving kitchen maids  off to where their nether regions could make them useful  either to populate the colony or serve its sexual needs.

It is genuinely cringeworthy to hear how the pretty ones were auctioned off to be house servants (with benefits—to the master at least), or if they weren’t so “lucky,”sent into what amounted to slavery in what were (sort of) euphemistically  callled female factories.

Some women were quickly swallowed up by this inhumanity, but others prevailed and even thrived.  They are the nation’s founding mothers as well as some of the first successful business owners, ranchers, and more.

One of them, Mary Reibey, went on after serving her sentence to found the first bank in New South Wales, and is pictured on the Australian  twenty-dollar bill.   I am feeling a familiar  buoyant pride in  the great honor it is to share a gender with these souls who echo Maya Angelou’s great words, “Still I Rise.”  I will lecture in their honor.  I can’t wait!



Home Again!

Last year I bought a t-shirt that says “Home is where the anchor drops.”  Right now my anchor has dropped in my little condo in San Diego after a great trip with a particularly fun group of people. I had trouble getting photos to post the second part of cruise,  hence the silence. Still not sure how to fix the problem, but I have a little time before leaving for Manaus, Brazil in mid-March. Will be posting my itinerary for the first half of 2019 soon. Hope to see you aboard!