The Intuitive, Uncategorized

Ready, Set, Explode

I’m not sure if nearly a month has ever passed between diary entries before, but then again I have never had a month as an author quite like this one. In my last post, I talked about how I was pondering my newest work, THE INTUITIVE,  but had not yet put fingers to keyboard.

I pondered and researched for another week or so, and then in an explosion of creativity   that has left me stunned, I produced 142 pages of a first draft between May 12 and today.  That’s 23 days to produce about 40 percent of a novel.  I’m tired and feeling in need of a little break, but every day I’m up and ready to go with the next scene, and sometimes that leads into the next one, and then…well, there’s my day.

I’m doing the same thing I did last summer, posting a list of categories of time, to make sure that I put in at least an hour a day at exercise, book promotion, and life maintenance (e.g. things like bills, grocery shopping, pedicure, shower, etc.), so I don’t get all weird.  So far so good.  I’m still sociable and coherent.

It’s funny how the pondering before writing is so essential and then ends up being almost entirely irrelevant to what is actually in the book.  My character (whose name is now Zora) is involved in a significantly different plot that I expected, with different personalities around her and different events. It’s like a real life lived in the superfast lane.  She makes choices, unexpected things happen, and the story goes from there.  You know the adage about the best laid plans–sometimes what I am typing comes as a complete surprise, just like life.

What’s happening now (I’ll stay away from plot for now and stick with process) is that the other characters in the book are starting to reveal themselves a little more. In a first draft, secondary characters often function as little more than paper dolls, one-dimensional placeholders to help the overall plot gather momentum.  Just today as I was walking back from the Farmer’s Market (category: life maintenance) I saw more deeply into the relationship Zora has with an old school friend, Louise.  Before, Louise was there to allow some dialogue that developed Zora’s character, but now I see Louise a little more in her own right, and in adding to her story, I also see where the relationship will go in later chapters, and how a painful clash between Zora and her is inevitable.

I also realized that I was missing the boat on the relationship between Zora’s parents.  In my last post I speculated about some possible dynamics, and I’ve settled on one, but I am starting to have a vision of their family backgrounds and their personal past that helps me understand how they arrived at where they are in the story at the moment.  As with Louise, knowing such things tells me more about what can and can’t happen in future chapters.

That’s how writing a novel works–a little insight here, a little change in trajectory there, but it all flows naturally when I let myself be fully open to the possibilities for the main character.  In the end everything has to rise and fall in keeping with the arc of her story.  But I’m starting to know Zora, starting to see how she will get where she needs to go, and how she will react when she gets there.  This is the point at which an author begins to feel more like the conduit of a story than its creator, the point where I get up in the morning as excited as I hope you as a reader will eventually be to find out what happens next.


The Intuitive, Uncategorized


It’s good to take a breather from writing. My time off, if you can call it that, came when I finished the final touches on The Shape of the World and got it off to my agent to market, when Finding Emilie was released, and when mid-semester papers and exams increased my workload outside of class. Since all of that happened at once, there was no time even for a thought of what novel might be waiting to be born.

Now, as The Shape of the World becomes a waiting game I can do nothing to influence, the publication flurry for Finding Emilie is beginning to die down, and summer vacation is less than two weeks away, I am starting to get restless and ready for novel number five.

The earliest stages of a novel happen only in the head.  For me it starts with a reaffirmation that despite the enormity of the task of creating a historical novel, I am happiest when I am writing and ready to get started again

That’s followed by a period in which I do a mental inventory of the ideas I’ve had and see what seems to be hovering at the door right now.  Even while I am writing another book, I am continually investigating new ideas, ordering biographies, and reading up on events and places, so there’s always a short list, but I never know what will strike me at the right minute–perhaps even a new idea someone just planted in my ear a few days before.

In all this pondering, inevitably one idea comes forward to stay.  It’s not a sure thing that will be the next book, as I learned after my false start earlier this year, but that’s the point at which the research begins in earnest, followed by the first tentative stab at a synopsis involving the main characters and a possible plot. For me this synopsis is an important first step because it gets me to focus on how I will pull the characters, plot, and historical background together.

My first question is always “what do I want readers to learn?”  From that, it becomes a question of what the main venues will be.  From there, I need to figure out how to get my point-of-view character to those places.  I also have to figure out how I will get all the necessary perspectives aired, and the conflicts and drama, both imagined and historical, set in motion.

Once I’ve gotten to that point, I pull out paper and a clipboard and start a multi-columned time line.  One column is for historical events and other columns are for the biographical events of the real-life characters.  When I have a concrete visual representation of the history, matched up with what the real-life people were up to (how old they were, where they were living, and what they were doing at the time the historical events were happening), I’m ready to start filling in some data for the fictional characters.  What’s the best year for my protagonist, Lucy, to be born so that she can be a workable age for the main events?  How can I plausibly move Lucy around so that she is in the right place at the right time?  What other characters must be filled in around her to create depth in the story and facilitate the plot?

Here, more specifically, is what I woke up asking myself this morning:

How can I use Lucy’s parents to forward the story?  What should their personalities be?  Their social and political views? What profession should the father have?  I started out thinking that mom should be sweet and supportive but a bit of a doormat to a domineering husband, and then I decided that the overall story will be so much better served if she is piously Protestant, politically conservative, and used to bullying Lucy to keep her in line.  Now that I have a domineering mother, I don’t need a similar personality in the father, so perhaps he can be the one with the bigger heart.  Or perhaps not.  Maybe this is a very difficult marriage between two clashing and demanding people.  Or maybe it’s the dad who’s the doormat, and one of the big events of the book can be his standing up for something important that matters a great deal to his daughter.

I don’t need to decide all that now.  The way a book comes alive is to make some of these early decisions about the real-life things, and introduce the fictional characters in their formative stages into this real world, and see what happens. As I go along, I will add what I need and change what isn’t working.

It may be that I’ll decide that Lucy needs a brother or sister, not arbitrarily but because something I need to accomplish can best happen by the introduction of such a character.  Will Lucy have a love interest, and if so, who should he be? What should he do for a living?  Is he suitable or socially dangerous, or maybe a little of both?

Since the setting of this book is early twentieth-century New York, and many of the early feminists will be making cameo appearances, perhaps it would be best not to fall into stereotypes about women being completed by love, but on the other hand, I write for a readership that probably would like to see Lucy have a man in her life.  Well, how about a romance that she grows out of and asserts her independence by moving on?  Always a possibility. And though I don’t want to go far afield of my own experience by making her love interest another woman, perhaps, given the place and time, this would be a good opportunity to honor relationships that did exist between some of the female leaders of the time.

Possibilities, possibilities.  Ahead of me is the excitement of not being able to type fast enough to keep up with my characters, of jumping up in the morning eager to find out what’s going to happen next. Nice to be the first to know!





For authors, a new book is such a daunting process that the earliest stages, long before the first words of chapter one are put down, is a time of wary circling. You know the feeling–something interesting and unfamiliar catches your eye, and you move in, maybe just a little, to check it out more closely, maybe poke it with a stick to see if it moves.

You don’t know–you really just don’t know–what’s going to happen. Every year I must go through several dozen ideas for historical novels, some I think of on my own, but probably the majority suggested by fans and friends. Some ideas get abandoned quickly–not enough information for a historical novelist to go on, not enough interesting or appealing in the lives of the real-life characters, not enough of something else. Other ideas get put aside for another time. The circling begins with the third group, the ideas that won’t go away, the voices that say, “write about me!”

My bookshelves are full of biographies of women I haven’t written novels about and probably won’t: Cosima Liszt Von Bulow Wagner, Alma Schindler Mahler Gropius Werfel, Hypatia, Clara Schumann, Hadley Hemingway, Gertrude Caton Thompson, to name a few. Several are still possibilities: Ada Lovelace, Pauline Viardot, and Marie Curie spring to mind.

Marie Curie is the latest casualty of my circling. I read every biography of her (four, if I recall) and even wrote fifty pages of a first draft before I ran into an obstacle I didn’t know how to handle. In my four novels to date the protagonists have always been characters of my invention through whose lives fascinating real-life characters come and go. I had some doubts about having a biographical character as the protagonist, but Curie’s life is just so amazing that I set my concerns aside.

Turns out that little muse fretting on my shoulder was right to be nervous. I have had to admit in the last week that a novel about Marie Curie just isn’t working.

In my first draft, I told the story from Marie’s point of view, as a third person narration. Here are the opening few sentences:

“Don’t look,” Manya Sklodowska whispered to herself as the first snow of the season thickened the air and stuck to the lawns of the Saxony Garden outside her classroom. She knew it was snowing even without looking, because the world sounded different, as if someone had picked up the edges of Warsaw in white paper and wrapped up a gift of silence.

At neat rows of desks, twelve-year-old girls in white-collared, blue serge uniforms squirmed. They’d been waiting for snow for all day, ever since the gray sky began to lower and the air took on the faint astringency of winter….

Okay, not bad for a first draft, but here’s the problem: I am describing something that happened that day to a real person. I had the biographies open in front of me and worked from them. I did a good job, in my estimation, in dramatizing a quite traumatic event involving a surprise visit by the superintendent of schools, but the problem was that the entire book would be no more than that. I would move on to the next few pages of her biography and dramatize that, and then the next, and in the end I would have told the story of her life, but not much more.

I learned something valuable from this–that I need to be able to make up the story. I get excited about inventing characters and putting them in situations where I don’t know what’s going to happen. That gets me up at six every morning ready to put fingers to the keys and continue the adventure. That wasn’t going to happen with Marie Curie, because there wasn’t a plausible fictional character I could create who would be alongside her, observing her but having her own life story too.

I decided to try a new approach, having multiple narrators from various stages of Marie’s life–her sister, her father, her first love, her husband, her fellow physicists, her students, her lover. Here is the same scene told from the point of view of Hela, who was in the same class as Marie:

“Don’t look!” My mouth forms words I don’t dare say aloud. The first snow of the year is falling. Nothing else thickens the air indoors this way, or makes the world outside go quite so silent.

I stare straight ahead at Mademoiselle Tupalska. Over her old-fashioned whalebone collar, old Tupsia has one of the meanest and ugliest faces I’ve ever seen. Her thick brows knit into one line, and her mouth turns down in furrows that make her chin look cut through like a marionette’s. She’s taking out her ruler now and laying it on the desk. After a few months of school, there’s no need to slap it in her palm to frighten us into obedience. Most of us know from experience the damage she can do with it.

Tupsia knows what I want–what every one of the girls in our white-collared blue serge uniforms wants–as we sit in our neat rows of desks reciting Russian verbs. We’ve been waiting for snow for all day. Now the tickle in my nostrils from a draft through a cracked window has a faint astringency like the witch hazel we put on our scrapes and scratches at home. I see the other girls trying not to squirm or let their eyes drift to the windows, where we could be making halos of our breath, or punctuating the condensation on the window with the tips of our noses. Old Tupsia will have none of that. She doesn’t care if it’s snowing. She only cares about these dusty old books. I bet she eats cardboard for breakfast.

I try not to giggle at the thought as I look sidelong at my sister Maria. She’s ten, a year younger than I am. Before she was advanced into my class, I was the youngest and the smartest, but Manya knows everything I do and a lot more besides. Math, history, literature, German, French, and catechism–she’s the best at all of them, even though she is a bit too chubby around the middle and has hair that never looks nice for more than a minute…

I kind of like this approach, but deep down I still don’t think I have solved the problem. I am still stuck with too little to create except phrasings. I love to write, and I find point of view one of the most fascinating aspects of fiction, and if someone said “we’ve just got to have a book about Marie Curie and we need it soon,” I would probably go forward. But no one is saying that, and I am very glad of it, because I have decided to put this project aside until I find a way around this problem, if there is one.

This is the first time this has happened to me. Usually I get inspired and plough through to successful completion of a novel. This was a really valuable lesson, to see that there is more to a historical novel than a great real-life story. Marie Curie supplied the plot and the characters, but she couldn’t supply the inspiration. But I can wait. If she wants her story told, she’ll find a way to get in touch.

Finding Emilie, Uncategorized

Liking Emilie

Wow! FINDING EMILIE has been out only three days and already more than ten reviews–all of them extremely positive!–have gone up on historical fiction websites and elsewhere. Everyone seems to love Lili (my fictional daughter) and her mother Emilie, as well as Lili’s own fictional creation, Meadowlark. Eventually I’ll post these as live links on a reviews page, but if you are interested in taking a peek now, just paste the link. Very very rewarding. I guess I can relax now!

Finding women’s voices in 18th-century France

Finding Emilie-Laurel Corona


Finding Emilie, Uncategorized

FInding Emilie Launches Tomorrow!

The official publication date for FINDING EMILIE is tomorrow, although the book has already been released by Amazon and people are starting to receive their copies. This morning I got my first review from one of the big historical fiction blogs, The Burton Review. “Finding Emilie goes easily on my favorites of 2011 list,” the review says. Here it is in its entirety:

I’ve been busy preparing guest posts for some of the many historical fiction blogs, and the first two are already posted:

“Emilie and Voltaire” on Passages to the Past (this one has a book giveaway, so sign up soon!

“Why I Love Emilie du Châtelet” in Historical Tapestry

Thanks, as always, for your support!


Let the Nail Biting Begin!

In my last post I told you what I was doing, and in this one I’ll try to tell you how I’m feeling as the publication date for FINDING EMILIE approaches.

It’s scary.

The process of writing a novel is so involved and lengthy that I swing through the spectrum of emotions over and over. Then, in the many months between finishing the final round of revisions and waiting for publication, I put FINDING EMILIE out of mind. I was making many appearances for PENELOPE’S DAUGHTER, finishing up novel number four (THE SHAPE OF THE WORLD), and doing some preliminary work on novel number five–plus teaching full time and doing some other projects, including serving as managing co-editor of two anthologies. FINDING EMILIE was, bluntly, the last thing on my mind.

About a month before a book comes out authors receive a box of finished copies, and when that carton arrived a few weeks back, the emotional roller coaster began for me again. I can’t describe the feeling of pulling back the flaps and seeing rows of one’s own book staring back. The cover is not a surprise–by then I’ve seen it often–but the bulk of the whole thing (I don’t know how else to say it) is a most pleasant reality check. I took a few out of the box and photographed them for–what else?–Facebook before curling up on the couch to leaf through a copy. Here it is, I said to myself. It’s finally, well, alive.

Then you wait. The time a book sits in warehouses and storerooms waiting for the publication date is pretty tough. I want the book out in the world now, but I’m also worried about what will happen when it is. What if people don’t like it? What if they write mean spirited or silly reviews on Amazon? What if they secretly (or not so secretly) decide that it’s okay, but not as good as my other novels? What if this? What if that?

I’m not sure what this worry is about, really. A number of people read the book in galley–a few reviewers, a few friends, a few fellow authors. Everyone has been very positive, talking about how reluctant they were to say goodbye to my characters and how vividly I’ve portrayed the world of Enlightenment France. “You like it?” I say, doing a Sally Field second Oscar speech imitation. “You really like it?” They smile, nod, or if they are at a distance, write reassuring e-mails that I read again and again.

Just today I found out that FINDING EMILIE is an Editor’s Pick in the next issue of Historical Novels Review–the biggie in my field. They like it–they really like it! I feel the weight coming off my shoulders. Maybe I can stop worrying now, since ALL the feedback is good–very very good.

This particular wait came to a strange, truncated end when I discovered the book went on sale on Amazon a few days ago–a week ahead of the pub date. All the countdown, all the talk of going out next Tuesday to celebrate seems suddenly moot. I’ve survived again, and now, the wait for blogger reviews begins. It’s like the time between leaping off the high dive and hitting the water, but I’m at this point more curious than scared.

I’d love to hear from you! Drop me a note when you’ve read the book, and better still, post a review on Amazon, B&N or someplace else. Writers are nothing without readers, and if you were here right now I’d thank you sincerely and deeply for all your support, except I’m chewing my nails and can’t talk at the moment.

Finding Emilie

Continuing the Countdown

Two weeks until pub date for FINDING EMILIE!  No, I’m not going crazy counting the hours.  I am much too busy for that.

Here’s what has already happened: I received two boxes of author’s copies of the book about ten days ago, and it is always a thrill to see finished copies staring up in multiple as I lift the flaps.  I’m busy giving copies away to people who can help place the book in libraries and independent bookstores, or get it in the hands of people who run conferences, book fairs, book-related philanthropic events, and the like.  If you fall into any of those categories, let me know!

I’ve been busy in the last month or so setting up a “blog tour,” which has taken the place of actual touring for all but the most famous authors.  Publishers don’t support real tours much any more–there isn’t a lot of bang for the buck in it–and that’s fine with me, because I’d rather sleep at home and put my energy into writing.  I have more than a dozen guest blog posts written already, waiting to be published after the book is out.

My publicist has gotten FINDING EMILIE in the hands of a number of bloggers who will be doing reviews and giveaways.  She’s also looking for possible author appearances and speaking gigs.

As for such appearances, I have a whirlwind of them, which I won’t list here, because all the information can be found in the calendar on the home page.  In addition, I have about a dozen book clubs and private events between now and Memorial Day, some of which are for EMILIE, but others are for my other books.  People seem to be still discovering THE FOUR SEASONS and UNTIL OUR LAST BREATH, and of course PENELOPE’S DAUGHTER has only been out since October 2010 and is still a “new” book.

I’m also busy with my full load of classes at San Diego City College, as well as a four-part lecture series on the Convivencia, the centuries of coexistence of Jews, Muslims, and Christians in Iberia during the medieval era.  I offered this course once already at SDSU extension, and am repeating it at San Diego CIty College.  Check the calendar page for more information if you are interested. The course is the result of my sabbatical research in Fall 2010.

And then there’s the launch of FINDING EMILIE, which looks to be a lot of fun.  Rather than doing a separate launch party for friends, family, and supporters, I am bringing bubbly and treats to my first two bookstore appearances, at Warwick’s in La Jolla, and Bay Books in Coronado.  Also on the calendar page.  Come on down and share a toast to the fabulous Emilie du Châtelet!

Oops!  Just looked at the clock!  I have a job to get to. What a fortunate person I am to have so many wonderful things to do!

Finding Emilie

One Month and Counting!

It doesn’t happen very often in life, even for the most prolific writers, to find a box of one’s new book waiting on the doorstep.  Yesterday I had one of those “blessed  events,” the arrival of finished copies of FINDING EMILIE.

Just when I’ve managed to catch my breath from the release of PENELOPE’S DAUGHTER last October, here I am a month away from the publication date for FINDING EMILIE, my third historical novel and fourth book since 2008!

I started writing books for mainstream audiences in 2004, with my first draft of UNTIL OUR LAST BREATH.  I recently sent off novel number four to my agent for marketing, so doing the math, that’s seven years I’ve been writing, with five books to show for it.  I don’t know why I have been so prolific, other than that I really, truly love to write, and once I get an idea burning in me, I am a goner.  I’d rather work on my novel-in-progress than just about anything else, and the challenge becomes not the writing but fitting in everything else, whether business or pleasure.

Lest you think the six months between pub dates means it took me six months to write FINDING EMILIE, decidedly not so.  PENELOPE’S DAUGHTER was a little slow from finishing the manuscript, to sale, to publication, and EMILIE had a quick sale and took the usual year-and-change from that point to bookstore shelves.

I have a lot of appearances set for FINDING EMILIE, and if you look in the scrolling calendar in the left column of the home page of this website, you can see them all, or go to the Events page for the same information.  I love book clubs too, so please bear any of my books in mind as your group makes future choices.  I can talk by phone or Skype if you aren’t in the San Diego area

Look for FINDING EMILIE on the front tables of Barnes and Noble stores for a few weeks after publication, and of course it will be available at most chains and many indie bookstores, and online.  Right now it’s deeply discounted at Amazon and Barnes and Noble online–a little over half the cover price!

For more information on the book, and on the inspirational Emilie du Chatelet, look under the books tab on this site.  I hope you like “finding” Emilie as much as I did.

The Shape of the World

On Editing

With Meg in New York
In New York for the Christopher Awards, visiting my agent, Meg Ruley

I’ve written before about how endless finishing a novel is.  We breath a sigh of relief when we finish the first draft, but experienced authors know the work is far from done.  I call this the 60 Percent Rule, because probably not half, but close to it, of the total amount of time a book requires to make it into the reader’s hands lies ahead.

With my current novel, THE SHAPE OF THE WORLD, I must have called it finished a dozen times, only to go back through and discover more to be done before it winged through cyberspace to my agent’s desktop. That’s a biggie, because that’s when I truly have declared it done to the best of my ability.

Wrong.  Here’s sort of how the conversation went:

Meg Ruley (Agent): I read this in bits and pieces, some on my Nook and some in hard copy, so I couldn’t tell the word count but it seemed to read a bit long.  How many words is it?

Me: 199,000.

Meg:  Did your grandmother ever use the expression “drop your drawers?” because that’s what I just did.

Oh Lordy, Lordy, here I am telling this amazing story in the full way I want, and I’m creating an unmarketable monster. Mind you, Meg says this is one of the most compelling novels she’s ever read, but the problem is no editor will read it.  She can’t even ask at that length. The longer the book, the higher the production cost, and the greater the risk of not making money. Even if an editor thought it was the novel of the decade, it would be an almost impossible pitch to make to the editorial board.

It’s my fault for not checking in with Meg when I saw THE SHAPE OF THE WORLD sprawling way past the length of my other novels, but I told myself that multigenerational stories in epic times are special cases, and there are readers who made Michener and others household words because they like long reads. But a great story, compelling characters, strong writing, and an interesting historical era are not enough in these chaotic times.  Publishers don’t seem to know what to do with any book they acquire in an era rendered triply difficult by falling sales, changing demographics, and the rising popularity of e-books. They simply weren’t going to take a chance on mine.

Idea One: Maybe it could just be an e-book for a while, see how it does.  It doesn’t matter how long an e-book is, really, in terms of cost. Then, once it’s clear there’s an audience, it’s put out in hard or soft cover.

Bad plan.  Books need to be on tables in bookstores.  They need to be passed from hand to hand.  They need to be signed at appearances.  Even though e-books have an expanding share of the market and are obviously going to continue to grow, for authors they are a side show, not the main event.

Idea Two:  How about two parts, each a very manageable (and quite trim) 100,000 pages?

Bad Plan.  First, it would require substantial rewriting, because each book would have to stand on its own.  Writers talk about the arc of the story a lot, how the action is paced and conflicts arise and are resolved. I would have to go back in and make a second set of arcs, keeping the big one, but changing enough to make each part satisfying on its own.  Quite frankly, I couldn’t see how.

Idea Three (barely considered):  Stick the manuscript on the shelf and mourn that such a great story won’t ever see the light of day.

No, non, nyet, lo, nein. This book is the product of my heart, a story I burned to tell.  It’s about the last generations of Jewish presence in Iberia before the expulsion by Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492.  People must know more about the Sephardic Jews and their fate, and I appointed myself to the task. It’s bigger than me. Throwing up my hands and grousing about publishing realities abandons people (both historical and fictional) that I am not prepared to write off.  Plus, I’ve gotten a lot of help on this book, and I want the people who contributed their time and effort to see a result.

Meg:  I think what we have here is a rose garden in serious need of pruning.

Me:  How much?  10 percent?  That would bring it down to 180,000.

Meg:  I think we’re talking more like 160,000 max, and even that’s going to be tough to pitch.

Twenty percent!  Horror, panic, pain.  That’s 60 words a page, 120 pages total out of the book.  I can’t do it.  I can’t do it.  I can’t do it.

Meg:  This book needs a crash diet, basically.

Me (drawing on everything I possess):  Well, I guess I have to try.

Fortunately I was born with the happy gene. I am the eternal optimist.  I am “can-do” on steroids.  I spent a day or two thinking about how to proceed.  First I eliminated  several sections of the story I thought were historically interesting but not really pulling their weight plot-wise.  Then I dug into a first revision, discovering some endemic wordiness in my writing style that I am really grateful to have noticed. I’m afraid to go back to my first three novels now for fear I’ll see the same things there. I eliminated what Susan Vreeland calls “research dumps,” interesting historical tidbits that aren’t well integrated into the narrative.  Historical novelists just have to accept that we  know many things we can’t tell the reader.

I pared it down to the targeted 160,000 words and told Meg I was going to go back one more time to make sure I hadn’t introduced any choppiness into the manuscript.  Wow!  Not only did the book read just as well or better than before, but I kept finding more things I didn’t really need, paring an adjective here, a conversation tag there, a bit of dialogue here, a scene there.  Kind of like the second pass on a closet cleaning, when you’ve really got the “throw it away if you don’t use it” mentality going on.  I’m on target now to give Meg a version next week that is only a little longer than FINDING EMILIE, with a word count somewhere around 145,000–still a little high but no longer a jaw dropper.

I’m amazed I can sound so nonchalant about deleting 25 percent of my book, but business is business. I don’t think about the hours–actually months–of time I spent on work that is now gone with the press of the delete key.  Writers have to accept such losses if they want to be published.

I learned from my first book, UNTIL OUR LAST BREATH (which also need a massive pruning for different reasons) how to let writing go if it doesn’t serve the goal of sharing my work with the reading public.  Even writing we really love, writing we are proud of.  Even some of our best.  We let our emotions have their moment, we mourn, and then we go on to write some more.


We’re Launching, and You’re Invited!

If you are in the San Diego area, please join me and eight other area authors at the launch of our new endeavor, SAN DIEGO WRITING WOMEN, on February 19, from 6-9PM at Hair Drezzers on Fire, 3463 Adams Ave. in San Diego.

Here’s how we describe ourselves: “We are nine authors who are passionate about what we do. Some of us write for a living, yet all of us scramble to find the time to finish our books — between research trips to Borneo, Greece and death row, stand-up comedy shows or reproductive surgery on horses. A few months ago we started blogging here about the writing life. Now, we want to celebrate the written word with you in person, read from our latest books and launch our mission of sharing our combined knowledge and experience with readers, writers, and aspiring writers everywhere.”

The event will be a lot of fun, with wine and hors d’oeuvres, live music, and short presentations by the authors. So far close to 200 people have responded to the invitation posted on our blog. If you would like more information or an invitation to the event please RSVP to The event is open to the public, but for planning purposes, we appreciate your contacting us for an invitation.

Here are the other members of San Diego Writing Women who will be introduced at the Feb. 19 reading:
• Caitlin Rother: After 19 years in the news business, Rother left her job at The San Diego Union-Tribune in 2006  to make a living as a full-time author. She teaches writing at UCSD Extension and is working on book No. 8, about the John Gardner case. Caitlin will read from her new crime book, “Dead Reckoning,” the story of how a former child actor turned con man and hermaphrodite wannabe tied a nice married couple to the anchor of their yacht and threw them overboard — alive.
• Jennifer Coburn: Coburn is the USA Today best-selling author of four “chick-lit” novels and contributor to four literary anthologies. Her first novel, “The Wife of Reilly,” is in development for a feature film. “Tales from the Crib” is in development for TV. Coburn has written for newspapers across the country and is the recipient of journalism awards from the Press Club and Society for Professional Journalists.
• Divina Infusino: Infusino is the author of “Day Trips from Orange County:Getaway Ideas for the Local Traveler,” the writer of “Rock Gods,” a rock ‘n’ roll photography collection, and co-author on “The Love Response,” a mind-body wellness book.
• Sharon Vanderlip: Vanderlip will read from her new book, “Hedgehogs.” A veterinarian, she has provied veterinary care to domestic, wild and exotic animals for more than 30 years. She served many years as veterinarian for the UCSD School of Medicine and later as chief of veterinary services for NASA. Vanderlip has written more than 20 books on animals and pet care.
• Kathi Diamant: Television celebrity Diamant left a career in broadcasting to follow her dream to tell the story of Kafka’s last love, resulting in her award-winning book “Kafka’s Last Love: The Mystery of Dora Diamant.”
• Kathy Jones: Jones taught Women’s Studies for 24 years at San Diego State University and published books on feminism and the politics of the women’s movement. After writing “Living Between Danger and Love,” a memoir about the murder of one of her students, she left the university to pursue a writing career.
• Georgeanne Irvine: Associate Director of Development Communications for the San Diego Zoo, Irvine also is the author of more than 20 children’s books plus numerous magazine, newspaper, and Web articles. Her most recent work is the coffee table book, “The Katrina Dolphins: One-Way Ticket to Paradise,” the true story of eight dolphins from an oceanarium that were washed out to sea during Hurricane Katrina and dramatically rescued.
• Judith Liu: The author spent 30 years conducting personal interviews and hunting through dusty archives to research her book, “Foreign Exchange.” The narrative revolves around two women — one the author’s mother who attended an American Episcopalian missionary school in central China, St. Hilda’s School for Girls, and the other, an American woman who went there as a short-term teacher in the 1930s. Their lives intersected at the school during the brief time of peace in China. Set within the context of the school’s history, their tales provide a snapshot of China and its educational system before the founding of the People’s Republic.

We all hope to see you there!