
A Travel Vow Fulfilled—In Parts


A number of years ago, I took several trips in connection with research for my novels that took me to places where it was cold and rainy. I remember making a vow that the next trip I took would involve a bathing suit and a Zodiac.

All this time I had assumed that when the time came, the Zodiac and the bathing suit would go together. I envisioned coming ashore on the sand of a South Seas island, or the rocky Galapagos coast , or something exotic like that.

Instead I took a number of trips where Zodiacs were as unlikely to be seen as a Metro would be here in coastal Alaska.  As for the bathing suit part,  I have had many opportunities to go to places where bathing suits were the preferred attire, from the pool deck of a ship to Mediterranean and Caribbean beaches.  The thing is, I have decided I honestly don’t like swimming—or even getting wet— all that much, and one of the nice things about getting older is that I don’t care whether I should feel differently.  I don’t, and I don’t have to.  I have gone, since I made my vow, to plenty of places warm enough for other people to be out tanning or splashing around in their swimwear, and that’s good enough for me.

However, in all my travels, I have never set foot on a Zodiac.  Until today, that is, in Misty Fjords, Rudyerd Bay, Alaska.  Misty Fjords is appropriately named, as the photo below shows. The water is glassy and the glacier-carved cliffs tower over insignificant beings like us.  We motored along, stopping to admire waterfalls and bald eagles, before heading back to mulled wine and dry clothing.

So now, at least a decade later, I can say I did it  I have taken a trip involving a bathing suit and a Zodiac, just not the same trip.  Since I didn’t even pack a swimsuit this time, I can’t jump in the Jacuzzi in a feeble attempt to make that claim.  Oh well—two trips (or in my case many) are better than one.  But I still am holding out for the arrival on that sandy beach some day.  I might even put on a swimsuit and get wet for that!



450 Passengers and 1 Frog

Well, the  long stretch of perfect health In  My Year of Living Travelly came to a screeching halt after five months.

I gave a lecture two days ago despite a sore and scratchy throat and  figured I would shake it off, as I usually do. This cold virus had other plans for me.

Since then, I had to beg out of hosting a dinner table and being a panelist on Liars Club, which I love doing. I missed out on a  zodiac adventure yesterday and a shore excursion I really wanted to do today, and have  been holed up listlessly in my room, venturing out only for a cup of tea or something to nibble on with no enthusiasm.

Those of you who have known me from my leaching days are probably aware that a few years back I developed chronic inflammation and swelling of the supporting structure for my vocal cords, which causes  them not to line up the way they should  to produce a strong voice.  It was a severe enough problem that I had to give up my full-time teaching jobs several years before I planned to, since I simply cannot project my voice well, or for very long.

Cruise lecturing is fine because I have a headset mike planted right next to my mouth and I don’t have to speak for more than 45 minutes a couple of times a week.  The hardest part for me has always been dinner at large tables, since  projecting my voice enough to converse feels similar to the strain of yelling with a healthy voice.   I often go back to my room quite hoarse after dinner, but I have generally recovered by morning.

But not when a cold makes things worse.  If I talk at all in the early stages, I set myself up for the almost  dead certainty of a couple of days  with total laryngitis.  I’m hiding out now not just because I feel like crap, but because I don’t want to have to use my voice at all for the chit chat that is part of life on a ship.

So far so good.  I sound like a frog, but I am not down to a squeak. This self-imposed quarantine has also been good for the other passengers as well, since ships have often been called floating petri dishes, and hopefully I won’t spread this around.

This cold came on so soon after the start of the second cruise that I have met almost no one.  No dinners, no shore excursions, no team trivia after the first two days.  This is a weird one so far,  but since the cruise is a full two weeks, I will still have some time to be my usual self and have fun with the folks on board.

The good news is that I don’t have a lecture for two more days, nor another table to host for three. The bad news is that I am missing Alaska!  Lucky for me I saw a lot on the leg from Vancouver to Seward, and  the new ports are at the end in British Columbia, when presumably I will be my old self again.

One of my unanswered questions about My Year of  Living Travelly was if getting sick would put a damper on my enthusiasm and make me wish I could go home. I now have my answer, at least for something as minor as a cold: If you have to crawl into a cave for a few days, why not do it in  a bed with fantastic linens and fluffy pillows, a cabin steward, and room service? Sure, being sick is no fun, but my life is as good as ever.



Turnaround Time

Wow! I just realized I didn’t post once during the first Alaska cruise.  Maybe that’s a good sign that I really switched gears, but it’s more honestly the result of a busy schedule and poor satellite internet.

i am in Seward, Alaska, between my first and second cruises.  This evening we head back in the direction of Vancouver, from where I will fly back to San Diego briefly before heading off to Montreal for the fall season—can the first falling leaves be on the horizon so soon?

So now it’s transition time. Dan left for the airport a few minutes ago, and after a goodbye at his bus, I went back on board a ship that most guests rarely see.  The cabin stewards look as if they are in the starting blocks for a sprint, which in a way they are. In a few hours the ship will be pristine again and ready for the new passengers.  But right now, the hallways are filled with piles of sheets and towels, and staff are coming through to remove copious quantities of half-empty liquor and wine bottles. A real bonanza if I drank the hard stuff—I’d never come out of my room!  I did go through a massive pile of soda cans and discovered diet tonic water, which I didn’t know they had. Score!  I guess they remove all the stuff in the fridges, even if unopened, then put it all back in later—maybe wiped down?  I will have to ask.

So now, I am doing my laundry—the one time you can be sure the machines won’t be in use—and spreading out to fill all the closets and drawers in the room.  It is so comforting and fun to have Dan aboard, and it would be great to be looking forward to having a friend join me (illness recovery prevented my buddy Sharon from coming along), but I do have to admit, there is something special about calling 100% of the shots about time, space and activities.

And of course, it is time for a mental recap and a new set of promises to myself, as follows:

1) I will skip breakfast except on tour mornings

2) I will cheat less on my rules at lunch, and will skip the buffet in favor of ordering from a menu at the pool or restaurant most days.  Easier to know how much I have eaten.

3)  I will drink more water and less wine at dinner.  I no longer have wine at lunch at all, except if I just finished a lecture

4). I will walk briskly at least an hour a day, on treadmill or in port

5). I will get over my dislike of small hotel-style gyms and give my upper body something to cheer about.

6) I will do more of my work in the beautiful public spaces on the ship, rather than holed up in my room.

7) I will not order room service just because I don’t have a concrete dinner plan.  Something always works out.

8) I will go on more strenuous shore excursions.  There were reasons to be more sedentary this time around (Dan’s broken toe and my need to get familiar with the ports), but there’s no excuse this time!

9)….And on that note, I will kayak at least once  I don’t know why I have it so built up in my mind that I will be a spaz at it and end up in the icy water, but that’s the vision I have.

I am repeating a mantra that I wish I followed a little better:  Being afraid of something is a good reason to do it.   Since this Year of Living Travelly is in large part about expanding my comfort zone, I will do my best to become the Kayak Queeen, and Solo Traveler extraordinaire!

And since ten resolutions has more resonance than nine, I will add my ongoing one:  never let even one day pass without remembering to be grateful for this beautiful life

Time to move clothes into the dryer.  Then into town for that hour of walking—and no, poking around the shopping street doesn’t count!



First Fireworks, then a Parade

It seems as if most of the time I arrive a day too late or leave a day too early to see a city make a big splash, but in Vancouver I was just right, and I didn’t even know it until the excitement was  on my  doorstep—literally.

Many months ago, Dan and I made reservations to come to Vancouver a couple of days before starting a cruise, to give us a chance to look around a little more.  Since arriving it has been one surprise after another.  First, the hotel we booked, The Sylvia,  turns out to be a historic beauty right on the waterfront of English Bay. Second it has been sunny and warm, the water sparkling, and the locals  out in droves on bikes and on foot, enjoying the utter happiness of this beautiful place they call home. With Dan’s broken toe we haven’t been able walk very far to dinnner, and voila, the hotel restaurant turned out to be first rate.

”There are fireworks tomorrow tonight, “ our cab driver said. “You’ll be able to see them from your hotel.”  That was the first big understatement of our trip.  The fireworks were a lollapalooza, part of an International Fireworks Festival, spanning several weeks, in which countries compete for who can impress Vancouver the most with a  25-minute display choreographed to music. The festival has been going on nearly three decades, and I had to shake my head in wonderment that a city could get other countries to come and entertain it like this, for no  reward that I could discern except the bragging rights of winning.  I wonder what would happen if I tried to persuade top chefs to come compete at my place, and then I would clap one of them on the back and say, “Congratulations!  Your truffle-infused duck fat potato confit with persillade and pea sprout garnish wins the prize!  Thanks for coming!  Bye!””

It didn’t take us long to determine that another surprise was in store this weekend, when we started seeing all the costumes and an extraordinary spirit of fun and frivolity everywhere.  Not only was there a comic convention going on downtown, but it was a Pride Weekend and there would be a huge parade passing  by —you guessed it—one block from our hotel.  Drums,  rainbow floats, lots of random marchers and proud onlookers.  Thanks, Universe —I needed a reminder that even though so much seems dark and threatening now at home,  there  has been great progress in my lifetime on this and other social fronts I care about.

I  am feeling like royalty!  I mean, how many visitors get fireworks and a parade?  And then, to top it off, I discovered wines from the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia.  I had been there once with my late husband, who grew up on the shores of Lake Okenagan, and while there we tried the wine and weren’t very impressed. With my penchant for trying local when I travel, I decided to give it another chance, and yum!  I was, of course, inspired by that to give local peach wheat beer a try at lunch in Stanley Park yesterday. Yum too!    So of course I had to confirm my experiment by trying Okanagan wine again today at lunch.  Even better than the first one!  The photo below is included to show what great lengths I will go to to boost the British Columbia economy by drinking their best!  Cheers!




Options and Other Pleasures

It’s almost time to leave San Diego for the next short chapter in My Year of Living Travelly.  I  leave on Friday for Vancouver, where Dan and I will spend a few days before boarding Seabourn Sojourn for 11 days (him) and 25 days (me).

I have only been once to Alaska, briefly,  about thirty years ago, but really it is unforgettable.  I am excited to be hitting the road again, not just to see it again, but because my year ought to be spent as travelly as possible, and it’s time to end a lovely hiatus and move on.

I do have a few observations, or should I say a few points of gratitude to share before leaving, so here they are.

I really appreciated the  ease of being here.  When I am traveling, in some ways my world is smaller.  I have fewer options in a unfamiliar place—no idea where to go if I can’t find what I want at the place I was told to look, no sense of how to get around blocked streets or traffic jams,  few ideas about the best place to get what I feel like eating.  Options are nice!

I appreciated cheap sports.  On the ship, a round of golf costs hundreds of dollars.  Yesterday, nine holes at a municipal course cost me ten. Tennis outings never seem to happen on cruise lines , but if they did, I doubt I could afford to go. Here a couple of bucks at the public courts gets me all the play I want.

Friends.  That really should come first.  My dance card has been so full with getting together with friends, and I have loved seeing every one of them, from people I have known forever, to others I just met on a recent cruise.

Familiar routines have been fun too—walks in the park with Dan, going to minyan at the synagogue, walking to the gym.  Sometimes I feel like a tourist, taking photos of Balboa Park, the golf course, even the American and California flags, as if they are something exotic. Which of course they are, with different eyes.

Overall, the feeling I have had is that I am still traveling, Even here. I lived out of a suitcase, didn’t have a car, and didn’t  set foot in my own condo.  That’s fine with me.  Seeing my life from a different perspective works both at home and wherever else I lay my head, walk my feet, or share my thoughts.




Boxed In, Boxes Out

Life lessons  from My Year of Living Travelly come from surprising places, including the cramped and stifling quarters of my storage unit.  All the personal effects I needed to get out of my condo in preparation for a renter were stored in boxes stacked six feet high, and I had to look through them to change out the clothing I needed the last few months in the Mediterranean for  more casual and outdoorsy clothes for Alaska, and, while I was at it, the warmer wardrobe I will need for my Montreal-based fall foliage cruises that start right on the heels of my return from Alaska at the end of August.

Pulling out box after box and seeing everything from tennis tops to winter socks, skimpy camisoles to wool sweaters, and shoes galore from dress sandals to boots, I had a realization of how much I truly have not missed these things, and how I don’t want to let my life feel overburdened by belongings when I finally move back in

I adopted a mantra in the last four months, that if something I was considering buying was just going to go straight into one of the storage boxes when I got home, I wasn’t going to buy it no matter how much it called to me.  Remembering those boxes will be an even more powerful deterrent, now that I have looked from the perspective of time at how dispensable it all is.  And this is after years of successive downsizings from a big house and a vacation home to a one-bedroom condo! I would have thought I’d gotten it pretty much down to what I truly wasn’t ready to relinquish (and maybe I wasn’t at the time), but I see now I am still nowhere close.

I have decided that when it comes time to live in my own place again, I am dumping most of what I stored. Except for jewelry.  It’s my scrapbook of my travels. The happiness I will feel in getting rid of those boxes will be matched only by the pleasure of having just the right earrings and necklace to go with whatever clothes I have remaining after the purge. Basic black?  Goes with every piece of jewelry I own!



Things I Like About Being Home

I don’t quite know what to call this short hiatus between my Mediterranean and Baltic adventures and my  Alaska gigs on Seabourn coming up in three weeks. To call it being “home” is a bit of a misnomer, because I am staying with my partner Dan, who has a condo in the same complex as I do, but I rented out mine and now walk by my door without being able to go inside, and I see a different car in my space.  But to title this post “What  I Like About Being Back  in San Diego” misses the nuances of how I feel in the place where I have lived more than half a century.

But whatever I call it, there are a few things worth commenting on that I have noticed with enhanced pleasure these last few days.

  1.  I really enjoy hearing Spanish spoken everywhere. Sorry to anyone who thinks that is a problem. I think it is a huge cultural plus.
  2. I am already very reattached to my blender.  I have really missed breakfast smoothies my way.  Recipe: frozen fruit ( or fresh with ice), almond milk and stevia.  Low calorie and fabulous!
  3. I love having my phone service back.  Much simpler.
  4. i am glad to be able to resume some favorite routines, like morning walks in Balboa Park with Dan.
  5.  It’s good to have a big gym to go to, not the  hotel-like ones on ships. Truth told, I haven’t been yet (too busy and too jet lagged) but today’s the day. (Or maybe tomorrow…) Got to shed the  five pounds I gained  before I leave for Alaska  and get my upper body strong again. I averaged 100 miles a month walking the last few months, but that doesn’t help the tennis  serve or golf swing. Plus, five pounds is pretty good fo four months on ships, but if I don’t lose as I go along, after a few more assignments I will be changing it to My Year of Living Blimpily.
  6. And  speaking of tennis, I am off this morning to play for the first time since March and have golf set up next week.
  7. I love having my friends nearby and already have a full dance card for next week with lunches, coffees, sports, minyan and other groups I am part of.
  8. I love spending time with Dan. It’s been less strange than I thought it might be living in his condo, since we usually spent our days independently when I lived around the corner and got together mostly in the evenings. He’s been so generous about sharing space and since I am still living out of a suitcase, I hope I am not moving in a bit too much.
  9. I am finding this experiment in living without a car intriguing, at least so far. It adds an element of interest, requiring me to consider options and solve problems I never gave much thought to.
  10. I love not having to think, “how much is this in dollars?”

Following David Letterman, I will stop with theTop Ten, but the bonus number eleven would have to be that life is good, wherever I am!


Departing Thoughts

Well, this part of My Year of Living Travelly is over. Four months ago,  I flew to Manaus, Brazil to begin the adventure. Four months, forty-three blog posts, sixteen countries,  five travel companions, and who knows how many ports later, the European chapter comes to a close.

As I sit in the Copenhagen airport waiting for my flight back to the US, it is time for a little reflection.  Here are some random thoughts.

1) I still break out in a broad grin on a bus going just about anywhere in any port, just because being there is such a privilege and blessing. I simply can’t believe Wanderlust Girl  of  six decades ago has become Wanderwoman!

2) I still look forward to every day, and today the theme is “Oh boy—something different!” Dry land and a seriously different destination, my home state, California.

3) I have come to appreciate more and more how diversity is reshaping our world. Everywhere I see people living in a place that is clearly not of their ethnic origin, and how successfully they seem to be fitting in.  I know as a tourist I don’t see the whole picture, but what I see is encouraging. People who think Denmark ( for example) should be just for the Danes are as out of touch with reality as people who expect the Dutch  to all still be wearing wooden shoes.

4)  Living Travelly has caused me to inhabit the present much more successfully than in the past, an observation I have made on all-day tours.  I used to watch the clock—how many more hours we had yet to go. Now I just sit back and enjoy.  Maybe thinking in terms of structured time was a small bit of leftover baggage I still had to shed from my working years. Now I just have to be careful I don’t get so relaxed I literally miss the boat!

5) This will be the first time that going home has felt like a continuation of travel more than an end ( however brief) to it. Today as I prepared to leave the ship, I scrounged around to have my keys handy before realizing I didn’t need them.  I have rented out my condo and given my car for the duration of my Year of Living Travelly to my son, so I don’t need any keys. Being in San Diego will feel a bit like another stop where I live out of suitcases, but with the wonderful addition of my friends and my very tolerant partner, Dan.  It’s going to feel pretty strange, I think, this combination of being in a place I have lived more than half a century, but without the ease of being fully home.

6) My Year of Living Travelly has had at its core not just the desire to see the world, but to provide the chance to reconnect with myself.  As I approach my seventieth birthday ( end of 2019), who is this person I have become and and am still continuously becoming?  In that respect, I may learn more about myself in the three weeks I am in San Diego, because I won’t have the ability to settle into the old me without a home or a car to do it with.

Just now I had the thought, “wow, that’s really going to be interesting!” and I felt a surge of desire to get on that plane and jet home.  Circle back to points one and two in this post. Yes, Wanderwoman is both home anywhere, and happy  to be going home.





Time Out in the Baltic

It’s been quite a while since I last posted, and there are a couple of reasons. First, I have been very busy—ports every day, and tours almost every port. Plus, the lectures required a lot of additional prep, since I just got this assignment after I left home in March. I had to develop talks on eight Baltic ports while on earlier cruises or the breaks in between, and they were not really as polished  as I was comfortable with sometimes until the day I gave them—one such talk pictured, rather blurry, here.

And then there’s the fun onboard stuff—I am on a great trivia team, have had excellent dinner company every night, and had fun the other day being one of the liars in Liar’s Club.  I had particular fun with the word “ prickmadam” ( look it up) , claiming it was an Elizabethan term for a transvestite, and making up a quotation saying that one character in Shakespeare was said to be “so void of common wit he would  chase a prickmadam to unskirt.”  Sounds pretty good, huh?  I told the truth with “gyrovagus,” making up a story about retarded medieval monks.  Great fun, and we liars were so good about half the audience got all of them wrong, and the best anyone did was 50 percent.

All of that to say I have been too busy to post, much less to think about anything but Baltic history, culture and the likes for talks, what to wear to dinner and whether to bring a raincoat on a sunny day ( answer: in the Baltic, yes—always!), and what lie to tell about the word ”spizzerrinctum.”

And too busy to observe much of any value to share.  I am flying home in a few days for a three-week hiatus in San Diego, and as I start thinking about going home,  with most of the work and play done, I will make some observations about how My Year of Living Travelly looks at the four-month mark, but for now, time for coffee and the NYT crossword.  Think later.



“Cep Diffnt”

No , that’s not a typo. I once saw a comedian do an impersonation of Elvis in which he said something “was just like that—except different,” which in Elvis-speak came out sounding like the title of my post.

That observation by The King makes comically little sense on one level, but on another, I know what he meant. There’s a mental model I overlay on every cruise and most times they play out pretty much the way I figure they will. And then sometimes they are, well,  “diffnt.”

The biggest question mark for me as a lecturer is always dinner, because it is important to be sociable in my role.  I meet a few people right away and little by little, through my lectures, the tours, the onboard games like Team Trivia and golf putting, I end up with a full dance card of dinner dates long before the end of the voyage.

This cruise  was so different from the get go. I was traveling alone, so I knew I had to put more effort into finding dinner companions than when I have one ready made every night.  I figured when I  had almost full houses at my first two lectures that I would find it easy to strike up conversations around the ship, but with this crowd it didn’t really work that way. It was a one-week cruise, which attracts a different clientele.  There were a number of family groups on board as well as several very large groups who were part of travel clubs. Often these passengers aren’t really looking to be sociable beyond themselves.

Most nights I honestly didn’t know at 6pm who I would be having dinner with, but somehow it always worked out over happy hour.  I had a wonderful time whether with one solo traveler or a family of five, with one couple or two, or whatever.

I hadn’t done as good a job reaching out  this time as I might have—haven’t played the games or gone on as many tours—but tonight, the last night of this cruise, I came home to notes and business cards on my door from people who want to stay in touch. More so than on cruises where I have tried harder, so go figure.

I haven’t changed my mind—this was a tough one, but as The King well knew, and put it so eloquently, it was the same as the others in some ways, except memorably different.