It’s a wonderful coincidence that the website revamp I have been working on with my talented web designers at BlueJay Tech should reach the launch pad during the Jewish High Holy Days. Evaluation, renewal and rededication can take many forms, both personal and professional.
So here I am, two years beyond the launch of The Mapmaker’s Daughter, my latest historical novel (and perhaps last–who knows?) I’m writing a lot, actually, though it would be hard to tell from the paucity of diary entries here in the last two years. But I am renewed and ready to go!
My writing these days is of two sorts. First, I am trying my hand at screenplays, getting some advice and assistance from my son Ivan Corona, who works with a Hollywood producer. The challenge of a new format that requires quite different skills has been fulfilling. I have lots of questions about my capabilities as a writer that I don’t have answers to yet: can I write without being able to say what a character is thinking? without being able to describe a scene in detail? to limit myself to very little more than dialogue and minimal other directions? So far so good, but far more important, so far so fun!
The other writing I do is for cruise lectures. In the last five years I have been traveling all over the world as a lecturer for several cruise lines. I have a catalog of about 75 lectures at this point (a list is elsewhere on this site), and I honestly can’t even remember the exact number of cruises I have been on except to say it is a lot and I have loved every minute of it. What’s up for me in 2018 you can see in the calendar section of the site.
And of course the great thing about writing books is that they are always there. Even if I don’t write another, I have four novels and one non-fiction book many people other than my friends and family think are pretty darn good, and they will just keep on being new whenever someone finds them.
Among my hopes for myself at this time of reflection on who I am and what matters to me, is a return to active involvement with this website as a way of keeping in touch with people I meet, and remembering the great joy I have had and can look forward to on my adventures in this world, which has blessed me with such abundance. Thanks for being part of it!