
On the Road (Sea?) Again

I’m on my way in a couple of days for another round of cruise lectures, this time on Seabourn in the Baltic. I will try to post from the ship, but in my experience, signals can be iffy at sea, so perhaps I will end up saving up my comments until my return. If I can I will try to post photos as well. If you aren’t already a follower of “Laurel Corona, Author” on Facebook, please sign up, as I will probably also post there.

And on another matter, I have sent in my revisions of THE MAPMAKER’S DAUGHTER so we are right on track for a March 2014 publication date. I truly believe this is my best story, and it is definitely the one I most yearned to tell when I set out to become a novelist. I will write more about that soon as well. For now, it’s “to do” lists pretty much non stop until the plane leaves, so I will sign off with a wave for now and check in again soon.