
Happy New Year!

Waking up in a new year is always more of an event for me than New Year’s Eve. I haven’t been to a party or even stayed up until midnight (in my time zone) for longer than I can remember except when cruising over the holidays. Must admit, in that context, it is a lot of fun, especially because I can just stagger back to my room, and by that point I know so many people onboard that  it is hardly a Times Square night with strangers.

Other than that, I always wonder what it is that people are so excited about.  A bad year behind them? A new one with genuine likelihood of being better?  Excitement about resolutions that will kick in the next morning?  Yeah, right!

But there’s that glimmer in the morning of January 1–and no, in my case it’s not that daylight hurts with a hangover.  The unknown has dawned. I won’t be in charge of all that happens, and I won’t like a lot of it, I am sure, but I am still guiding the Good Ship Laurel, and I can make of this year what I will, in many of the ways that really matter. And that’s enough to put the happy in new year for me.