One Hundred—and Counting…. Here is a list of my cruise lecture topics to date
- Amazing Alexander: Humboldt in South America
- The Amazon
- America’s Sweetheart and the “It” Girl: Mary Pickford and Clara Bow
- Antonio Vivaldi and the Pietà
- A Study in Sherlock: Arthur Conan Doyle and the World’s Most Famous Detective
- “As Far as I Think It Possible for Man to Go”: The Life, Death, and Legacy of Captain Cook
- Asian Warriors and Queens
- Bar Harbor
- Before the Maya: The Earliest Mexican Civilizations
- Before Starbucks: The Fully Caffeinated History of Coffee
- Bosom Enemies: The Acadians and the Conquest of Canada
- Bronze Age Women of the Aegean
- Called by the Wild: Jack London, American Adventurer
- Caravaggio: Bad Boy of the Baroque
- Carthage: The Other Ancient Mediterranean Empire
- Catherine the Great
- Charles Darwin in South America
- Convivencia: Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Iberia
- The Crusades
- Digging Old Ground: The First Female Archaeologists
- El Dorado: The Story Behind the Legend
- Enchanted isles, Sailing Ships, and the World’s Most Famous Whale: Herman Melville’s Life and Literature
- The Face: Portrayals of Jesus in Art
- Ferdinand and Isabella and the End of Convivencia
- Finding Odysseus
- The First AustralianS
- The Fish that Launched a Thousand Ships : The Story of Cod
- For Love and Liberty I: Simon Bolivar and Manuela Saenz
- For Love and Liberty II: Giuseppe and Anita Garibaldi
- The Founding of New Zealand
- The French and Indian War
- From Miscreants to Matriarchs: The First Women Settlers in Australia
- Gentle Giant: Pedro II of Brazil
- Getting to Know Anna: The Woman Behind the Story of The King and I
- Ghost Ships
- God, Gold, and Gloriana: The Story of Sir Francis Drake
- The Golden Age of Islamic Spain
- The Gospel of Glaciers: John Muir
- The Great Eruption: How the Santorini Volcano Changed the Mediterranean
- Henry the Navigator
- Hindu Mythology
- Hinduism for Beginners
- “I Put All My Genius Into My Life. I Put Only My Talent Into My Writing”: A Portrait of Oscar Wilde
- Isn’t It Romantic? Byron, Shelley, Love, Death, and Italy
- King Arthur: Medieval Man of Mystery
- Loneliness and Light: The Art of Edward Hopper
- Magic Hammers, Missing Eyes, and Rainbow Bridges: Norse Mythology
- The Maori
- Marooned! Life Stories and Lessons from Shipwrecks
- Mayhem, Mutiny and a Masterpiece in the Louvre: The Raft of the Medusa
- The Merry History of Robin Hood
- Midsummer Magic
- Monaco and the Grimaldis
- Monterey Pop and the Summer of Love
- “The Most Beautiful Adventure”: Robert Louis Stevenson
- Move Over Superman: Beowulf, The First Superhero
- Mutiny Goes to the Movies: Bounty, Potemkin, and Amistad
- Never Silent: Women in Early Hollywood
- Nightmare Voyage: Magellan and the Armada de Moluccas
- Nineteen Months to the Pacific: The Lewis and Clark Expedition
- North to Alaska: The Gold Rush
- The Not Plain and Never Bland Story of Vanilla
- The Olympics
- People of the Tides: The Tlingit Nation
- Peter the Great and His Times
- The Portuguese in Brazil
- Putting the Oy in Ahoy: Piracy and the Jews
- The Reconquista
- The Religions of Vietnam
- Rise, Fall, Repeat: A Brief History of the Acropolis of Athens
- Rotgut, Riches and Rebellion: How Rum Shaped American History
- Rounding the Cape: Vasco da Gama and the Search for India
- The Russians in Alaska
- Sea Monsters from Leviathan to Godzilla
- Silent Sentinels: the First Civilizations of Peru
- ”Something Bigger than Fact”: The Art of Emily Carr
- Spice! How Cinnamon, Cloves, and Nutmeg Changed the Worlds
- Sunken Gold: The Lost Treasure Ships of the Caribbean
- Tempest in a Teapot: The Surprising History of the World’s Favorite Beverage
- The Stripper and the Swineherd: Justinian and Theodora
- “Thar She Blows!” A History of Atlantic Whaling
- “There Is Practically Nothing Left”: The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire
- ”The Thief Colony”: The Founding of Australia
- “To Go a-Pyrating”: Who, What and Why Were the Pirates of the Caribbean?
- To Live and Die in Pompeii
- Trailblazers: Gold Rush Women
- Unlikely Allies: The Headhunters of Borneo in World War II
- Understanding Buddhist Art
- Unvanquished: The Spanish Conquest of Chile
- The Vietnam War, Part 1: Colonialism , Conquest and Conflict
- The Vietnam War, Part 2: The American War
- Venetian Visionary: the Art of Titian
- The Vikings
- The Vikings in North America
- Wayfaring: The Navigational Genius of the Pacific Islanders
- When Africans Ruled
- Women of the High Seas
- Women Who Wouldn’t: Feisty Females of the British Isles
- Zheng He and the Chinese Treasure Fleet
PLUS destination lectures for more than 50 ports in countries all over the world